Disable Java in your browser to protect your PC from the hackers

Java is a computer language widly used in web development. Java is a free software developed by the Oracle corp. It is installed in almost all the personal computers.

The latest version of Java is makinig it easy for hackers to hack the personal computers. The computer can be infected without the user's knowledge when the user visits the website designed by the hacker and the hacker can perform any action in the infected PC which the user can do.

There is no way to protect the PC from the hackers if the latest version of Java is installed in the PC, therefore the Computer security firms are advised PC users to disable the Java in their browsers.

Rapid7 a security firm has developed a web page that tells users whether their browser has a Java plug-in installed that is vulnerable to attack. 

It is advised to visit this website and disable the java in your browser.

Learn how to disable Java in your browser.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Archana. I have immediately followed your advice.



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